What’s your Perspective? What’s your Takeaway?

What I know about feelings is that we are free to feel whatever we need, in fact it’s quite healthy. But when we consistently drown in these feelings it becomes traumatic. Trauma is never a good thing.

What we think leads to how we feel and how we feel leads to action.

Choosing to take a perspective shift is difficult when it’s so much easier to own the negative feelings. The resentment for being a young adult who feels they are putting their goals on hold. The anxiety in not knowing if we are organized enough, helping enough, skilled enough.

When we think as positive as possible, we feel more peace. When we practice this it is then that we can be better helpers to those in need.

My takeaway as a caregiver is this: I gave love and received  love. Lots and lots of love.

I gave fully of myself. I did my best. Even on the days when I felt I wasn’t enough,

I did my best.

It’s amazing what can happen in our lives when we take control of our thinking. I read a devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries that asked, will you let the problems define you, or refine you? It resonated with me. We have a choice in happiness even when there is weight.

Choose to be your biggest advocate instead of your greatest enemy. It is essential that we take care of our minds to fully take care of others.

  • So I ask you friends, what is your takeaway/perspective shift as a caregiver?
  • Is there a mantra or verse that keeps you going?

Please share with us!

Brittany Continue reading

Moving & Special Memories


As a caregiver, there are a plethora of not-so-great things we can look back on and think “Thank God I got through that…what a terrible time“.

Since we’ve just wrapped up the holidays, I’d love to know what memories you will carry with you. Maybe it was a funny joke you’re loved one told or simply enjoying the moment of bringing in a new year, a fresh start.

One of my most memorable experiences from this season was kind of a memory within a memory (not trying to get all Inception on you). I was trying to make my fiancé’s house seem more homey by hanging up some pictures since his walls are pretty bare. I went to Target to print some photos from my phone to include pictures of his family and mine in this big collage frame I have. I printed pictures of his nieces and nephews, his family and mine, and was sure to include my grandparents I cared for in their own special spot. Standing there at the kiosk printing these pictures brought back so many memories. It was hard not to focus on the fact that this is my first Christmas without my grandfather, and second without my grandmother.

One of my favorite memories with my grandma was singing “In Christ Alone”. If you haven’t heard it, just Google it and read the lyrics…it’s incredibly moving and powerful. I start remembering this while I’m there and I had to hold it together…how awkward would it have been for me to be a weepy mess while printing pictures at Target. I get all my pictures I want and head to the car, and guess which song is playing as I turn on the radio? Yep, “In Christ Alone”.

I then softly said, “Merry Christmas Grandma…I love you…Tell Grandpa I said I love him too”. To me, that is a very special moment, like they wanted to show me that they are ever present still.

What moved you this holiday season? You likely felt overwhelmed or exhausted at some point or more, but I’m hoping that something stands out to you that proves it is all worth it.

Please share!

Happy Blessed & Prosperous New Year,
