What’s your Perspective? What’s your Takeaway?

What I know about feelings is that we are free to feel whatever we need, in fact it’s quite healthy. But when we consistently drown in these feelings it becomes traumatic. Trauma is never a good thing.

What we think leads to how we feel and how we feel leads to action.

Choosing to take a perspective shift is difficult when it’s so much easier to own the negative feelings. The resentment for being a young adult who feels they are putting their goals on hold. The anxiety in not knowing if we are organized enough, helping enough, skilled enough.

When we think as positive as possible, we feel more peace. When we practice this it is then that we can be better helpers to those in need.

My takeaway as a caregiver is this: I gave love and received  love. Lots and lots of love.

I gave fully of myself. I did my best. Even on the days when I felt I wasn’t enough,

I did my best.

It’s amazing what can happen in our lives when we take control of our thinking. I read a devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries that asked, will you let the problems define you, or refine you? It resonated with me. We have a choice in happiness even when there is weight.

Choose to be your biggest advocate instead of your greatest enemy. It is essential that we take care of our minds to fully take care of others.

  • So I ask you friends, what is your takeaway/perspective shift as a caregiver?
  • Is there a mantra or verse that keeps you going?

Please share with us!

Brittany Continue reading

Caregiver Resource Packets

Just wanted to share a little resource to help you survive, maybe even thrive, in the caregiver journey. Several caregiver sites offer “survival kits” and “toolboxes” for caregivers. I really wish I would have used one when I was a full-time caregiver, I believe it could have helped me organize and make a little more sense of my daily duties.

John Muir Health offers a free printable PDF packet with several checklists and information about related topics.

Other sites with great tools for your toolbox include the Caregiver Action Network and the VA.

Click the names of these great sites and you’re off to make your own survival kit!

Take care,
